Night hoops basketball society
To empower youth and communities through an inclusive basketball program

Night Hoops is a charity organization that provides late-night basketball programming for at-risk youth and offers them the chance to grow and learn in a supervised and supportive environment. In 1996, this program was created to provide a constructive recreational opportunity for teens on Friday and Saturday nights.
Night Hoops’ Mission is:
Night Hoops connects youth with their community through the organization of basketball leagues which are based out of community centres, neighbourhood houses, community schools, and the youth custody services. Many of the youth involved in the program are unable to otherwise participate in organized sport due to life circumstances such as needing to work part-time, look after younger siblings, or having social or educational disruptions. Night Hoops gives youth an opportunity to wear a jersey and be part of a team while representing their community. A fundamental principle of Night Hoops is inclusion; there are no gender, skill-level or economic barriers to participation. Night Hoops is free to participants.
Night Hoops was originally conceived of by Gordon Hogg who was a Director of a Youth Custody Centre looking for ways to reduce recidivism. He sought direction for support from Basketball B.C. whose Executive Director Mike Hind connected him with Pete Quevillon and Greg Eng who were Managers within Vancouver Parks and Recreation.

Since its inception in 1996, over 4,200 boys and girls between the ages of 13 and 18 have participated in Night Hoops as well as over 240 coaches. Night Hoops promotes community and personal development through teamwork, fair play, life-skills and fun.

Garcia-Rojas V.